21st Century Clinical Trials
Surrogate Endpoint
Efficient Estimation of Treatment Effects
Individualized Treatment Effect Estimation
Research Team
Cai, Tianxi
Parast, Layla
Tian, Lu
Uno, Hajime
Wei, Lee Jen
Selected Publications
Parast, L., Cai, T. and Tian, L., 2019. “Using a surrogate marker for early testing of a treatment effect”. Biometrics, accepted.
Wang, X., Parast, L., Tian, L. and Cai, T., 2019 “Model Free Approach to Quantifying the Proportion of Treatment Effect Explained by a Surrogate Marker”. Biometrika, accepted.
T. Cai, T.T. Cai, Z. Guo, “Individualized Treatment Selection: An Optimal Hypothesis Testing Approach In High-dimensional Models”. https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.12891, 2019
Parast, L., Tian, L. and Cai, T., 2019. “Assessing the value of a censored surrogate outcome”. Lifetime data analysis, pp.1-21.
Parast, L., Cai, T. and Tian, L., 2017. “Evaluating surrogate marker information using censored data”. Statistics in medicine, 36(11), pp.1767-1782.
Uno, H., Wittes, J., Fu, H., Solomon, S.D., Claggett, B., Tian, L., Cai, T., Pfeffer, M.A., Evans, S.R. and Wei, L.J., 2015. “Alternatives to hazard ratios for comparing the efficacy or safety of therapies in noninferiority studies”. Annals of internal medicine, 163(2), pp.127-134.
Matsouaka, R.A., Li, J. and Cai, T., 2014. “Evaluating marker‐guided treatment selection strategies”. Biometrics, 70(3), pp.489-499.
L. Parast, L. Tian and T. Cai* “Landmark Estimation of Survival and Treatment Effect in a Randomized Clinical Trial” Journal of the American Statistical Association,2014, 109(505):384-394.
L. Zhao, L. Tian, T. Cai, B. Claggett, and L. J. Wei. “Effectively Selecting A Target Population for A Future Comparative Study”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2013, 108(502):527-539.
T. Cai, L. Tian, P. Wong and L. J. Wei, “Analysis of Randomized Comparative Clinical Trial Data for Personalized Treatment Selections.” Biostatistics, 2011: 12: 270-82.
Tian, L., Cai, T., Pfeffer, M.A., Piankov, N., Cremieux, P.Y. and Wei, L.J., 2008. Exact and efficient inference procedure for meta-analysis and its application to the analysis of independent 2× 2 tables with all available data but without artificial continuity correction. Biostatistics, 10(2), pp.275-281.